I remember when I attended Sunday School as a child that we were taught the 5 Steps to Salvation. I was just thinking on that and it occurred to me that there are 5+1 Steps to Saving America.
1. Hear the Gospel
First, we had to hear the message that we were in trouble and needed saved.
We've been preaching this message now for over twenty years and most recently Glenn Beck and others have taken to the pulpits to proclaim the gospel that "America, we're in trouble and in need of salvation."
2. Believe in One God
We have proven with documented quotes from the Founding Fathers in "Securing the Dream: America Again!" that they firmly believed we were to be a Christian nation. www.zootter.com/cryfreedom.htm
3. Repent of All Sin
I am convinced that if this is just a polical movement, we are doomed to failure. It must be a spiritual movement that results in political action.
We have preached this for over twenty years, and this message has not changed and is still true today.
So many of us have been caught up in the everyday routine of living ... or just surviving ... that we have not paid attention to what those buzzards in Washington were doing.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, REPENT!
4. Confess Jesus as Lord
Well, I certainly don't want to equate our Lord Jesus to the Constitution, BUT, Jesus was the Law Giver and He showed us how we should live, "Love one another." Our Constitution is the law of the land and it guides us in the ways we are to govern and to be governed.
Just as a Christian we must publically announce that "Jesus is Lord," we as Americans must take a solemn vow to: "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
5. Be Immersed in Water
Wow, that's a good one ... had to think on this one just for a minute. As Christians, most of us have been immersed in the holy waters of baptism.
But, with the current war that is being waged in our nation, I think it is something much more "stinky" that we've been immersed in. STOP letting them dump all over you! Clean up your act and get bathed in the realization that we can still act before it's too late to take back our country.
6. Live a life that is pleasing and under God's laws, loving one another, as Christ loved the church.
You know, folks, it does absolutely NO good to follow steps 1 - 5 if we don't apply Step 6. Even though we do not agree with those of liberal persuasions, we must still respond in love, as Christ loved the church. How else will we ever be able to "reason" with them and show them the right path? (I know the word reason - when used with liberals - is an oxymoron, but I had to put it in anyways!)
I know some of you are thinking, "Yeah, and Christ threw the thieves out of the temple!"
Well, you are right. It's time to throw those in Washington who think they have become gods - OUT! There should be a righteous indignation against those that have been stealing from us, our children, and our grandchildren.
That is why now, more than ever, we must no longer sit by and be idle and do nothing. Each and every one of us has talents and abilities that are god-given and we can do something. From our children to us little old grannies; to those who feel they can't speak out to those with wonderful oratorical skills; from those of us who in the past may have only occasionally voted to those who will run for office, all of us have something to offer to restore our once great nation!
Vote November 2nd for those who will defend and protect our constitution and who are of good character who will vow to lead by example for our nation's youth.
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