Tuesday, April 19, 2011

America's 1st ON-AIR Tax Day Tea Party

We are not the Tornado Patriots but the Rainy Day Patriots. The tea party event must and did go on inspite of the severe weather forecast predicted. 101.1fm came to our rescue. We will have a near future tea party in the park. Stay tuned.......

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wisconsin A Pawn

Have you been asleep? Did you go back to sleep after the November elections? Did you miss the most lame, Lame Duck Session that we have ever had in December?

Well, the world appears to be on fire now and your little patch of earth will soon be scorched. You cannot run nor hide.

Let's look at what's happening in Wisconsin now. First though, back up and look at the last 2 years. We elected a closet socialist, who's soul purpose is to divide and concur. He and his administration of Czars openly take one person's wealth and give it to the those without. This is a recipe for disaster considering this nation has functioned as limited government and free markets for nearly 300 years just fine. Have we tipped the scales and are going the other way?

This administration is at the half-way point to the next Presidential vote. With the waxing they took with the overwhelming election of their opposition-GOP it's looking dim for the Dems-laugh, that's a joke!

Anyway, it is true that before the 2008 election vote, both sides have been at fault to keep their two party wheel turning. We have a different beast in our government now. This beast works with globalists in an effort to change the face of our country.

When I went to Washington, D.C. in September 2009 for the first major tea party, I rode on a bus with some who had come to this country that had fled the rule of Dictators and oppression where everything is dictated from the wealth to the food. They were concerned then that's what we were facing in the U.S. with Barack Obama as a dictatorial President. I really didn't know then if that were true but I do now. All you have to do is look around and do a a simple search online of historical reference to other oppressed nations with dictators.

The Obama Presidential campaign for 2012 is gearing up and it has started in Wisconsin. Organizing For America is the President's former campaign organization Take 2. They are using the Unions and the people of the Great State of Wisconsin as pawns. They are doing to divide the people. What these government employees have forgotten that they work because the private sector has been thriving. Here's a news flash though, Obama has choked off the private sector, spent money we don't have, forced healthcare upon us, changed the face of the free markets which aren't functioning properly making them puney and anemic. But back to Wisconsin, why are these Union people protesting to keep their benefits. WE THE TAX PAYER IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR ARE PAYING FOR YOU TO WORK.

Now, Watch the video of Herman Cain at the tea party protest on Saturday and listen at the Union protestors chanting in the background.

I wish the good souls siding with the Unions would realize that we need to wake-up and realize we are being used like a fiddle, a pawn if you will. Save the Republic and recognize what this is.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rubio not backing off just PUSHING TEA PARTY MESSAGE HOME.

Rubio is not backing off or in denial on his tea party message. Read his words. His point is when Washington D.C. bureaucrats create and join fascade "tea party" organizations in D.C., there is a measure of whether or not they actually mean it or will carry the message of WE THE PEOPLE.

If you've attended a tea party in your local community and you have listened to an elected leader speak, especially a sitting one from state or federally, you have had to question whether or not this person is sincere or whether or not their record actually reflects what you expected them to have accomplished.

Rubio is not distancing himself, he is not running for President or anything else. He is walking the walk carefully and only time will tell. This is a distraction from the drive by media on the heals of a President who is about to give his State of the Union speech. The focus should be on a failed President after only two years in office, forcing his agenda and regime on We the People. Nothing more, nothing less. Rubio is a threat to these and the games have begun. Politics is a blood bath.

READ HIS WORDS in the article below....GET THE FACTS !

[Rubio said he's worried the small-government, anti-tax movement will "lose its effectiveness" if it becomes a creature of Washington.]

["Why do we need something in addition to the steering committee (a group headed by conservative Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.)?" Rubio said. "My concern is that politicians all of a sudden start co-opting the mantle of Tea Party. If all of a sudden being in the Tea Party is not something that is happening in Main Street, but rather something that is happening in Washington, D.C., the Tea Party all of a sudden becomes some sort of movement run by politicians."]

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's About The SPENDING....Now, Trim The Fat !!

It's about the S.P.E.N.D.I.N.G....stands for -stupid people enjoying nations deficit independence nearly gone.

Why is it that when one political party in this country is in power they over step their boundaries and when the other party is in power they work at cutting and reversing all that the previous political party did prior to their taking over?

That is the beauty of this wonderful system but what do you call it when both sides go too far and just don't get it anymore? I mean when the bureaucrats take us for a ride on a runaway train whether it be on spending, policy or power which leads to budget busting, takeovers, corruption, deficits and more. Arguably enough the other party does it's share of spending, policy making and power grabbing but WHY? Is it because that's the way things work? How about the adage it's our turn now so we are going to get our share? Or how about the phrase 'two sides same coin'? Is that what we are seeing?

What about the American Citizen? Have We the People been stepped on and forgotten? The decisions in Washington, D.C. as well as locally affect us all no matter the party or which side of the issue one chooses to be on but at some point We the People as well as the bureaucrats must realized as one nation that it is WE whom are affected. The quicker the better and it's only a matter of time.

Photos by: Tom Curtis / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Photos by: Darren Robertson / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Monday, January 3, 2011

How Much Does Congress Make?

How much does Congress make?

"We keep hearing about the sacred cows of social security and defense but what about the percentage of the budget it takes to run the government? I'd like to see the percentages of salaries of Congress, their benefits, and retirement." — N. H. Jansen

Though they make up less than five percent of the roughly $4 trillion federal budget, the salaries and health and retirement benefits for members of Congress and other government employees have become a target of many of those looking to slash government costs.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with about 2 million civilian employees, excluding the postal service, the federal government is the nation's largest employer.

To read the rest of the story, CLICK HERE.